So, yesterday I returned my new leaking goggles and bought a different pair. The guy at the store was useless as he did not know that you had to take goggles out of the box, stick them on your face and if they stick for a second or two, then they wouldn't leak. So, used my new pair this morning at the 5am swim (only 1 more of these earlier swims!) and one eye was good, but the other one leaked! So, all day again, I walked around with one eye blood shot this time. FRUSTRATING!!
So, I contacted my buddy Laurie who referred me to this swim store in Rockville. They were great as they had over 25 pairs of goggles out of their cases that I tried on and found a pair that fit just right - so I bought 2 pair. I'll try them out next week.
Tonight I went to the chiropractor as I was in serious need of an adjustment. - It was heaven after he adjusted me. My body feels great now!
Came home and ran outside in the dark with a flash light though Rock Creek - so peaceful! Ate dinners, spent time with Carol and CRASHED!!
another busy day!! and I thought we were tapering.....
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