Man, it was hot and humid today on the bike! We did the Apple Blossum ride, same one we did back on May 6, 2007. Just read my posting from then and it looked like I had one of the best rides at the time before CDA. However, at that time, we did 112 miles and the temp was between 40 and 50. Certainly not the case today. 95 degrees hot, sunny and humid! I was doing well, had a good pace but felt groggy the whole time. I started to push the pace around mile 70ish, thinking we only had 8 miles to go and wouldn't you know - we missed a turn because of a slight error in the cue sheet. At mile 79 we came to the realization - where the hell are we and how far do we have to go? I was spent, Mark was wiped, and Brian was definitely shot, but we were lost. So after riding in circles for a little bit, we found a few others from the team and they lead us back to the school and we ended up doing 83 miles. Yeah yeah, I hear ya, how bad could it have been to go 4-5 extra miles - Let me tell you - IT WAS TOUGH AND LEFT A SCAR!
However, overall my pace was better then two years ago, granted the distance was less, but the weather was worse. I am quite pleased with today's ride, no euphoric feeling like in May 2007, but it was solid. Also, used new nutrition for the ride - where you mix your own formula and you don't need gu's or any other food. I think it worked well today and I avoided cramping however, I think need some solid food. I'll call them this week and find out what they recommend.
Totals for the week:
Swim: 2.7 miles
Bike: 118 miles
Run: 8.4 miles
Total: 129 miles, 11:24 hours
This week coming up - RECOVERY WEEK and Luray Oly on Saturday!
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