Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Yesterday's workouts

Up at 4:30am to make swim at 5:30am. On the way, called Mark to make sure he was up - just like old times. Got a pretty good workout in expect I kept pulling myself under water when I went to breath (had coach Ed look at my stroke and it turned out I was pulling to soon with the left arm - need to work on that). Swim was an hour, shower, and head to work.

At the office by 7:30 and worked to 4:00, left early today to get home by 5 and check on Dad watching Thomas for the first day since Carol just went to work part time. Watched, played, fed, hung out with Thomas, made dinner for Carol and I. When Carol got home at 8, I jumped on my trainer for a 45 minute bike workout, showered, ate dinner and in bed by 9:30pm.

It was a busy day!


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