Sunday, February 18, 2007

Week recap 2/12 - 2/18

Ahhhh, the beauty of recovery week. Take it nice and easy in the workouts and wear yourself out doing other things. My other things consisted of insulating three rooms in my house. This week, I missed Monday night run and Tuesday morning swim, but hit Tuesday night bike (30' easy), Wed run (30' easy), Thursday am swim (awesome swim! 2300 yards), Thurs pm bike (30' easy), Sat run (5 miles easy), Sun bike (30 miles easy). Total for the week: swim=1.3M, bike=42M, run=8M. now the ramp up! Total: 52.4M, 5:35 hours

This week I got an email from Chad of DC tri. The guy is a mad man and just completed his first IM in Florida in Nov 06. He had this to say about the finish of an IM. "You know how you see those sports movies and the athlete is coming down the home stretch...the crowd is behind him/her and they start to well up inside....and you can feel the warmth from inside you as you watch the movie....that is the last mile of the is a feeling like no other...the culmination of months if not years of preparation...the manifestation of your determination, dedication, and motivation all in a single forget everywhere you have been up until mile 139.6...and then just like is over...and your legs start to hurt, tighten, and a big smile comes across your are an ironman...."


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