Monday, January 31, 2011

It all makes since now!

So Monday night was just brutal with fever and other things going on, I was spent. I went to work for a couple of hours on Tuesday and totally bagged Wednesday. This little virus wiped me out! My big concern was feeling better for our trip to Florida on Thursday and as my strength started to come back, I was able to enjoy our visit with Carol's family and returned on Monday.

It all makes since now that when I look back and reflect on the run last Sunday, no doubt I was sick. Interesting enough though, my legs felt good but my body was shot. And, after cranking out 38 miles for the week, I was not sore on Monday or the subsequent days. However, I did not get one run in this week and look forward to putting some miles back on these legs this week. So, another adjustment to my training schedule as last week was suppose to be recovery week. Well, I recovered from being sick, this week will be recovery running week and will do 30 then bump up to 42 next week.

Totals for the week:
0 miles
0 hours
(this was a first)

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