Monday, June 25, 2007


My time was 14:41:58

I'll be posting my race report soon, there is a lot to tell!! Keep checking back. And thank you for all your support. This was one of my greatest days!!

Sunday, June 24, 2007


It's 4:25am and time to go do an Ironman. Last night, we had dinner with the team and families/friends. There were over 90 people there. During the dinner, Coach Ed prepared a great speech, slide presentation and motivation talks. If anyone out there ever wants to do an IM, this is the team to do it with. I walked out of there almost in tears it was such an inspirational. It almost got me to the point where I'm ready to sign up for another IM. I had a pretty good night sleep considering and now I need to go get some food because I have a long day ahead of me.

Thank you for all your support - see you at the finish line!!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Remember to track me online!!

Track me online at

My bibb number is 1009.

The race will start at 7am Pacific, 10am Eastern, and will end at 12 midnight, or 3am Eastern.


This morning Mark and I drove the bike course and got a reality check by the number of hills out there. Part of me is like do I even want to do this?? The hills will be no harder then what we have done in our training rides, but it seems all the emotions and doubt are all coming at me at once. It's amazing how much energy I am spending today fighting those doubts! I'm ready, I just need to get to the start!

Today, I packed by transition bags (swim to bike bag and bike to run bag) and prepared my bike for the big day. We dropped off the bags and bike at the start. It is incredible how much preparation is needed for an IM as opposed to a marathon where you just show up with shoes and a number. Here, you have transition bags, special needs bags and warm clothing bags.

We have a Team Z dinner tonight and then I will prepare my nutrition bags. Tomorrow we will be waking up around 4am to start nutrition and hydrating.

My right knee is feeling better today, however, my neck popped in my sleep last night so my kink is back, but not to bad. I'm sure all these aches and pains are all in my mind but they sure do hurt!

Well, off to some more relaxing and WAITING!! 4 am will be here before I know it!

Friday, June 22, 2007


This feels like a game of waiting and keeping busy just to get to the start line. I keep reminding myself it will be here soon enough.

This morning we went down to the lake about 7am and did our brick workout. 15/15/15 - 15 minutes each for the swim/bike/run. The water was still pretty rough as the wind was blowing into the shore and man was it cold. It took me about 5 minutes to get used to the temperature so not to bad. On Sunday, I will need to remember to get in the water before the start and get the "shock" over with. I felt good throughout the workout, however during the day, my right knee started acting up. I'm a little worried because right now it hurts for barely a short workout. I even went to RiteAid tonight and bought a knee brace to put in my goodie bag on the run. I'll get the goodie bag around mile 13 so if my knee really hurts, I'll put the brace on then.

After our workout, CJ and I drove around the lake and looked at the scenery - so beautiful. We came back and I took a 2 hour nap because I felt exhausted. Tonight we went to dinner with my parents.

Right now at this moment, I feel very grateful for all the support I am getting right now. From my wife, parents and friends - your emails and phone messages are great and they will give me something to think and use to get me through on Sunday.

Tomorrow is going to be a busy day as we have to rack our bikes at the transition area, pack our bags and drive the bike course. So much to do!!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Coeur d'Alene Idaho - We have arrived!

We have arrived!!!!! We got in last night around 11:00 Pacific time so I was pretty tired. We picked up our low rider station wagon at the Spokane, WA airport and used my new Garmin navigation system (b-day gift), we made our way to the hotel. WOW, I'm finally here!

Today, we did a practice swim in the lake. MAN, was that lake cold, but absolutely beautiful. I warmed up after about 10-minutes in the water. Also, the water was a little choppy with the wind blowin into shore. The course is counterclockwise and two loops in which you swim out (against the waves) turn left and then come back get out of the water briefly to run over a mat and then back in and repeat. So, if this winds keeps up it will be tough going out but nice and easy coming in. I just need to keep reminding myself that no matter what, keep my heart rate and level of exertion down! It's going to be a long day and I certainly don't want to blow it on the swim!

After the swim we went to packet pickup. I cannot remember the last time I went to pick up my packet and smile so much. I was so happy showing my ID, signing my life away with waivers, weighing in (even though I was 10lbs heavier), having a volunteer go through my packet with me and leaving the tent. I was all smiles. I am so excited, so happy at this moment. It is such a good feeling to have. I have worked so hard for so long to get here.

After packet pickup we went through the expo which was okay and then headed over to get a bite to eat at the Coeur d'Alene brewery. After drinking about 5 beers and eating 2 cheeseburgers and fries, we went grocery shopping and stocked up on Gatorade, pop tarts, pretzels and water. Now I'm just chillin in the hotel room trying to remain calm and force myself to take it easy because I really excited!!

p.s. - i really had a chicken wrap for lunch and a coke ; -), what do you think I'm crazy, I've got an ironman to do!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Birthday & PACK!

Today's my 39th birthday!! woohoo. This morning I went to swim and we had a nice easy workout. We swam about 30 minutes and just hung out. It was a nice change from the last 5 months of swim practices pushing it hard every workout. Just to relax, joke around with my teammates I've trained with for so long and enjoy the moment. So close.

As I rushed throughout day going to a zillion meeting and making sure everything is covered before I leave, I got home around 5:30 and met my mom, brother, dad and of course my wife to enjoy a nice birthday dinner. It was nice to have everyone over and it was unexpected. I felt weird about it because I missed mother's and father's day because of all the training and that they took the time to come over for my birthday. In some ways, I felt a little guilty because I couldn't be there for thier days, but it was nice to see them on my b-day.

After everyone left, I was up late packing my bags as we leave for Idaho tomorrow after work!!

Monday, June 18, 2007


NERVES! I am just a bundle of nerves. It finally hit me this morning as I was going to work on what I am about to do this weekend. I can't believe, 6 more days to go. In fact, at the time I am writing this blog, I should be on the run after starting at 7:00am. Unreal - IT IS JUST MIND BOGGLING.

I'll give a recap for last week soon enough. But in the meantime, I skipped the 30 minute run tonight because I have way to much to do. I plan on swimming tomorrow but I'm sure it will be pretty short.

Recap for last week:
Swim: xx miles
Bike: xx miles
Run: xx miles
Total: xx miles, xx hours.

I NEED TO RELAX! Otherwise it is going to be a very long week

Saturday, June 16, 2007


So, what have my thoughts and feelings been and how have I been feeling these last few days as I approach the start?

Well, physically, I'm still fatigued but not as much as before. I have noticed that my energy will come back, then I'll do a hard workout and I'll have no energy for a couple of days. This has been the pattern for the last 2-weeks. My left neck still aches after the swim and my right knee still acts up after a long run. I noticed this week that my quads and hamstrings have been a little sore from the sprints on the bike and run we have been doing, but nothing unusual. I seem to be sleeping better at night and not tossing and turning like I usually do and it seems like it is a deeper sleep. I am still very hungry all the time and it's hard not to eat too much food. The concern here is not to eat to much because the workout volume has decreased and I don't want to be putting on extra weight before IM. In fact, I'm trying to drop a few more pounds before the start. I have been at 169 all through training and I would like to be at 165 at the start.

Thoughts & Feelings

You know, in all honesty, I just keep thinking it's time. It's time to start this race. I am as ready as I am going to be. I feel like the race is calling me. This may sound weird but after all the training that I have done, you just feel it, it's time. You feel that start, on the beach with 2000 other people is just yelling your name to get there and begin. PATIENCE, is all I can think of. I just try to remind myself to be patient as it will happen soon enough. This race will be here before I know and will be over just as quick.

I struggle at times on how I'll just be able to stop after IM, to not workout so hard as my body just craves the workouts. I know time after time I complained about being tired and worn out, but deep inside of me, it calls to keep pushing, keep going, don't stop, this is what I love to do.....You get these feelings and sensations during the long workouts. You feel alive, even though at that moment you may be so tired. It allows me to release all my thoughts and not think about anything. It will be painful and sad not to sign up for IM next year and watch others train for it. Well, this is my time and I'll be soaking it up as much as I can as next year and years to come will be for others as my time will come again soon enough. What will I do after IM? I won't know how to be or what to do to fill that craving, that void inside of me that allows me to be me that I have kept filled all these years in endurance sports??????? IM is not about one race, it is about the journey that has taken me here and will continue for years to come.

Busy week - packing and stuff

Well another week has flown by as we approach the BIG day. I last left off on Monday so let's get you updated for the week.

THIS IS THE LAST 5:00AM SWIM!!!! AMEN! Now I get to sleep in on Tuesday's and get up at 4:30am instead of 4am for swim practice. This morning's swim was BORING! The coach took out all the lane lines and we swam straight for 90 minutes. I felt like I was in a washing machine as the water was really choppy and splashy. Every time I went for air I was swallowing water. It took me about 30 minutes to get used to the choppy water and to get in a sync where I didn't feel I was going to head butt into a swimmer coming at me. It was a good workout but just boring. I swam about 2.3 miles.

Tonight I SKIPPED bike - yes, I actually skipped last night's run and tonight's bike workouts! I actually spent the time packing my 25lb bag with all my gear for Coeur d'Alene (CDA).

Tonight was track workout. Man, it was short and sweet. We only did 4 x 800, 2x400's at Z4 pace with 2' recovery. I averaged about 3:11's on the 800's and 1:32 on the 400's. I was averaging about 3:17's 3 months ago - so a little improvement there.

When I got home I finished packing my big bag and got my bike ready for tomorrow.

Swim was fun today. After doing the normal warmup, routine, etc... the coach pulled all the IM folks on one half of the pool and had us swim in heats. The first set was 1x50 all out, the 2x25's all out. The first 50 I think my time was around 32 seconds. The first 25 was at 13 and the last 25 was at 14. I was cruising! I wish we did more of those during swim practice. It changes it up and it gives me a chance to really open it up on the swim which is getting stronger and faster these last couple of months.

Tonight, we did a quick 30 minute ride around Haines point with some sprints. Then we headed to Contee's bike shop in Arlington and dropped off our bikes. Brian in our group rented a hug U-Haul to drive the bikes out to Idaho. I think he is taking some 50 bikes out there plus a 25lb bag. Well, I must say I had the biggest bag as I packed all my gear in there and got picked on about it at Happy Hour. Oh well, better to have the stuff go in a U-haul then to carry it on a plane. Let's just hope the Uhaul makes it safely out do Idaho, otherwise I am going to be spending A LOT of money out there buying new gear!

This email I wrote to the team says it all:

Okay folks! I have been waiting for a year to be able to do this. Last year I watched each person doing Lake Placid post their bib numbers and was so pumped for those guys. I told myself - one year to go. So now it's time, let's get this ball rolling CDA folks...
MY BIB NUMBER FOR CDA IS 1009 - wooooohoooooooooooo!
Who's next?

and the emails from everyone else started to come. I can't wait, we are so close.

Today's run was nice and easy. I ran 10 miles in zone 2, took about 91 minutes. However, at around 10 minutes in my vision was acting funky and I felt really weird. The same thing happened to me last week on the run as well. So I stopped, regrouped and started back up again and felt fine. I'm not sure what that is all about but no doubt, this will give my mom something to worry about.

: )

Monday, June 11, 2007

Skipped run

Tonight I decided to skip the run so I will feel fresh tomorrow for our last hard swim. I ran over 30 miles last week and feel I need to taper just a little more on the run, plus I'm pretty tired. The good thing though is physically, my body feels pretty strong, especially after another hard weekend. Tonight I need to start my what if scenarios for the IM. Such as:

  • What if I get kicked in the face during the mass start on the swim, do I remain calm or do I bounce the guy that did it?
  • What if I throw up on the bike or flat, or even wreck (sorry Mom, I need to think about these things)
  • What if I go out to hard on the swim and lost my breath, or take mouth full of water
  • What if I can't run during the marathon

Stuff like that....Then I need to begin developing my race plan as well, then I need to pack as my bike is leaving on Friday to be trucked to Idaho. Man, I've got a lot to do!!!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Another weekend of training has come and past!

Massage - finally got my massage on Friday. Man, it felt great. He was able to loosen up the several knots in the left side of my neck and found some knots in my muscles above my right knee. Also, he loosened up my hamstrings, quads and IT band. I need to go back before IM, no doubt.

Saturday's run....hmm, was interesting. We set out to do 14 miles and I got 2.5 miles in and had to stop, walk and regroup. I'm really not sure what happened, maybe I wasn't expecting so much humidity from the forecast the night before or maybe it was the leftover affects from the massage. However, I was able to regroup my thoughts, start back up again and felt pretty good for the rest of the run. I think it took us around 2:05 or so and we ran from Roosevelt Island to Old Town and back.

Sunday - Aquavelo or what I would call Aquavelvet. The Aquavelo is the swim/bike portion of the Eagleman race held in Cambridge, MD. more later.....

Totals for week:

Swim: 4.8 M
Bike: 69 M
Run: 31 M
Totals: 11:15 hours, 105 Miles


Thursday, June 7, 2007

Energy is UP and Down

Well, it's Thursday and I'm getting ready to go bike at Haines point as I continue my "taper week". Let's get you up to speed so far this week.

The swim went pretty good. I feel really comfortable in my new lane and feel I can hold my own. I was keeping with the lead swimmers today and felt pretty good. My neck is still a little tight and I hope to get that worked out this Friday when I get a well needed massage. I skipped the bike tonight because I am feeling pretty worn down. My right knee and hamstring are pretty tight and sore and the massage should help this.

Well as much as I bitched about the 10 x 1200's, I skipped this workout and ran for about 65 minutes with some hills (~ 7.5 miles). Today was interesting because I started to get a little more energy back as I lost some these last few days. During my run I was analyzing my energy levels and although they are still VERY low, I am getting little spurts back and then losing them. I am assuming that as we get closer to IM, the spurts will become more extended and my energy level will be very high at IM - let's hope that is the global plan by the coaches.

Today we swam about 2300 yards and had some good 500's at Zone 4 pace. I actually led the lane in the high Zone 4 for 500 and rocked it. I felt solid and kept a pretty good pace going. I did some minor tweaks to my stroke and that maybe making the difference. Although I will not be at Z4 pace on the swim, I'm hoping this will help me with my Z2 pace. We will see how it goes as I am doing Aquaman this weekend which will be a 1.2 mile swim. That will give me a good indication as to what my time could be at CDA for the swim.

By the way, I realized the other day as I was whining to everyone about my aches and pains and knowing that everyone else is going through the same, that I needed to separate how I was feeling physically to not influence my mental preparation. So, it was at that time that I decided mentally I am very strong and that the physical body will catch up the next two weeks. NOW is the time to build my mental preparations as we are only 2-weeks away. Don't get me wrong, every workout has been a mental preparation and now is the time to finalize that preparation into a plan to execute during IM. We are 17 days away!

Monday, June 4, 2007

Taper?? WTF!! When does Taper REALLY begin??

So, last night I told you about how we were waiting for the June schedule to see what the workouts will be. Well, I got to work this morning and they were finally posted and low and behold I see PEAK PEAK for weeks of June 4 and June 11. Then, I looked at some of the workouts! This week, 10 x 1200's at Zone 4 pace - WTF!!?!?!?!!?!?!! I thought we were in taper, not "let's really kill ya". Now, don't get me wrong, I have no problem with the schedule but damn it, when I finish a 20 mile run at the end of an EPIC weekend, don't slap me high five and say 'WELCOME TO TAPER" and then two days later slam me with not so taper workouts.

p.s. I completely support and appreciate everything Team Z has done and have the most respect for the coaches - I'm just getting a little edgy so sorry if I have offended anyone. : )

Tonight, I did a 55 minute run in Zone 2 + 2 x 4 minute Zone 4 afterwards. I also included some hills as well. I went about 7.5 miles.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Finally! I feel awake!!

Man, I feel like I have been in a fog ever since last Sunday and FINALLY, the fog has lifted today. I finally feel awake and actually have energy. I was getting worried that it would not come back. So, it took me a week to recover from last weekend. That will give me a good idea what it will take to get my energy back after IM.

So, let's recap the last two days.

Today we swam at Pohick Bay in VA with Team Z. Ed did a great job organizing this event in which he had buoys and spotters set up in the water for what we thought was a 1/2 mile loop. My motivation for this swim was zilch and it continued when I started up until I finished. I ended up swimming for 1:30 and I estimated it to be about 2.8 miles. My stroke felt smooth and even my sighting was good so I felt that I was keeping a pretty straight line - that is a huge improvement from previous open water swims. After the swim, we ran for 5-miles which felt pretty good.

When we were all done, it was only 11:30am!! WOW, can you believe that? Ed had the grill set up so I stuffed myself with a cheeseburger and potato chips and the time I was done, it was 12:00. I got home around 1:00pm and pretty much laid around all day, slept on the couch and was just plain lazy. My neck was still hurting me and I still felt pretty beat.

After a good night sleep last night, I woke up this morning and was HEALED! My neck did not hurt at all, AMEN, and I had my missing energy back. Today we rode in Rock Creek for only 30 miles. What a treat! To be in my back yard and not have to drive to a workout is always awesome. It rained today so I felt pretty grimy with the road spray but I felt good during the ride. The greatest thing about this ride was it was FLAT and I was home at 11:00am! WOW! To be home at 11:00am on a Sunday it just unheard of. So, I came home, cleaned my bike, which was nasty, and painted the bathroom. OH, one note today was a group of us got pulled over by the Five-O while riding in the park because we ran a red light and were not riding in single file. WHATEVER - there we no cars around and we were being cautious. Anyways!

I'm not sure what the workouts are this week as the coaches have decided to wait until the last minute to post them. I asked them today when the workouts were going to be posted in a joking way and they came back with, "you know what your workout is today, don't you?" I did not appreciate that since all I am trying to do is plan my week. A lot of us have a life outside of training, and they usually post the workouts way in advance. Not sure what the deal is this month. Oh well - no worries....

This week's total for my recovery week are as follows (to be posted):

Swim: 4.2M
Bike: 42M
Run: 9M
Total: 55 miles, 6:25 hours

Friday, June 1, 2007

No energy....

Man, I am beat. My neck is killing me, my body aches and I feel totally fatigued. Tomorrow we are schedule to swim 2.5 miles then run 5. I wish I could just skip the swim and do half the run. I thought I was suppose to get some energy back being on a recovery week. Not so right now, that's for sure.....