Saturday, July 11, 2009

Trying hard to get those workouts in

Monday - went to swim and was only able to get just over a mile in before the life guards closed to pool down for some unknown floating object - i didn't stick around to see what it was. Not sure if I'm going back to that pool again.

Tuesday - nothing - had to work late and wanted to get home to see Thomas.

Wednesday - ran the hills of Rock Creek - got in about 6 miles

Thursday - early am - woke up at 4am to feed Thomas and after I got him back to sleep at 5:30 I jumped on the trainer and rode an hour. Glad to get the workout in! Also, I went to the Doctors to get a physical. Carol is worried about my health and getting ready to seriously abuse my body the next 4 months. Doctor said I'm in great shape and wished all his patients were this healthy. Nice smooth heartbeat, low blood pressure - so far so good - i get blood work next week.

Friday - massage - awwwww felt so good. My hamstrings, quads, etc... were very tight and I still have this issue with my lower back. May need to get a massage more ofter to keep things lose.

Saturday - long run. Finally got started around 9am so it was little warm and sunny. Ran in Rock Creek doing 1 mile run, 1 minute walk and averaged 10:10/mile. Not bad but I could not keep my heart rate down. Need to keep working on that.

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