Friday, October 23, 2009


I am spending some serious money now to get ready for the Ironman - here is a quick run down in expenses just in the last 2 weeks:

Massage that felt great - $ 80, Long Sleeve wetsuit because i'm getting tired of renting - $ 170, new running shoes (because my old ones felt like I was running in barefeet - $ 90, water bottles for fuel belt - $ 20, bike parts and tires, etc... - $ 100, Chiropractor - $ 10 (thank goodness for insurance), leaking and non-leaking goggles - $ 30, short sleeve wetsuit because I just found out the water temp is higher then expected - $ 100 and of course hair product - PRICELESS (hey - the curls need attention as well!)

This of course does not include the lots and lots of hundreds of dollars I have spent on airfare, hotel, bike transport, car rental, etc..........

I need some CASH!!! My ironman deficit is accumulating!!!! Sorry baby Thomas, I have to reuse some of your diapers if they are not too dirty because Daddy needs some cash to do this race!!!! I promise I'll make it up to you...........

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