Tuesday, May 8, 2007

I thought this was a recovery week....

I skipped last night's run as I had to go to the chiropractor to get my neck adjusted. MAN, what a relief. That neck of mine never got better from last week and hurt like hell each morning for several hours until it loosened up. Finally got some relief there.

This morning, thinking we were going to have a leisurely swim turned out to be a 90' straight swim, freestyle. We warmed up for about 10' then got into so it was actually only 80' straight - still a long time but in the end, a good workout. I figure I covered between 2.2 and 2.7 miles in that time frame - not bad.

I feel like this week is catch up week because I need to catch up on everything I have blown off these last two weeks. Last night was doctor, tonight was bills, haircut and blog update, tomorrow will be run and then try and get a laptop and on it goes and spend sometime with my wife who is getting anxious! This should be labeled Catch up week! But, we got a brutal workout ahead this weekend.

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