Saturday, May 12, 2007

Saturday Run

Today's run went pretty well. A few of us broke away from the group and didn't run in Reston and instead we ran the Mt Vernon trail from Roosevelt Island to Old Town Alexandria and back. There were about 8-9 of us and we ran for a total of 18 miles. The weather wasn't so bad when we started but it got pretty hot at the end which is good training for CDA. Last year at CDA the temp was 90 degrees. I figure during IM, I'll start running around 4 or 5pm so hopefully it will be a little cooler at that time.

On average I ran 9:55's which ranged between 9's and 10:15's in Zone 2. I think I overstated by Z2 pace after my heart rate testing as being around an 8:30 minute mile. I guess my body cannot sustain that 8:30-9 minute pace before the heartrate creeps up on me. My main goal today was to stay in Z2 and don't walk. It was pretty tough at the end to not take a few second walk break but I managed. All is well.

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