Thursday, May 31, 2007

Let's get caught up....

Tuesday morning I woke up at 4:00am to go for the swim. WHELP, as soon as I woke up, I reset the alarm clock and went right to bed - It just wasn't happening. That night, I was suppose to bike for 30 minutes. WHELP, I got home from work, looked at my bike and said, NOT HAPPENING tonight!

Wednesday night rolls around and I'm suppose to go for a short run. Well, it was time to stop using this past weekend as an excuse not to work out because it was now 2 days since I went 140 miles for the weekend so I strapped on my NEW running shoes and went for an easy 30 minute run. Man, my legs felt like lead as I trudged through this run with no heart rate monitor or watch. That was the only nice part about the run. My right knee seemed to feel a little sore so I took it really easy.

This morning I dragged my ass out of bed and made it to swim practice. Now I had every intention of moving up a lane because it was time. Well, wouldn't you know before I had a chance to move up, some of my swimming buddies said, what are you doing, you no longer belong in this lane. Man, that was just plain wrong. I guess it was their way of saying, hey, we can't keep up with your cute ass so you need to move on up. Well, and move on up I did! Basically today was called "let's draft off of people in your lane day" as I was just too tired to push hard. Although during one Z4 100yard set, I was nominated to go first. So I did and kept the lane going. We swam about 2500 yards today and as Ed said, "you got some speed work to do today"....

Tonight, I came home from work and fell asleep on the couch. Knowing I had to go bike for 45 minutes easy, I woke myself up, MADE myself put on bike clothes and kicked my ass out the door to go for a nice easy ride. So I rode Rock Creek and wouldn't you know it as I was heading back some guy started tailing me on the bike. Do you think he could have said something to me? I hate when other bikers draft off of you and don't tell you they are behind you in case something were to happen. So this yahoo was on my rear wheel for a few miles when I started to pick it up. Well he started to pick it up as well. Now, let me digress here for a minute, I did not want to workout tonight as you can tell, my legs were extremely tired and I just had no motivation. However, when some yahoo is tailing you, you just have to turn it up a notch. GUT CHECK TIME! So I just cranked it and knew I had this guy. You can just tell and you know it when you got someone. He just could not keep up as I left the guy in the dust. It was a happy moment for me because it is so very rare that I dust someone on the bike. So, I went a little harder on bike today then I was suppose to. Well, whatever - it was worth it.

On another note, I am sitting here on the couch icing my neck again - what is the deal with the neck?????????? nite-

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