Saturday, May 19, 2007

Riley's Lock - Ride Today

So, I had this crazy thought today's ride was going to be easy. Hell, even the Route organizer wrote an email saying, "Honestly, this is an extremely friendly ride location for new riders. There’s some rolling hills but not so much as other places in our area." I SHOULD KNOW BETTER. I guess between this email and Columbia being tomorrow, I was a little naive.

Today, we rode 56 miles and started out at Riley's Ridge which is in Montgomery County right near the Potomac. The ride wasn't too bad, just more hilly then expected, but I am just worn out. I wrote in my training diary, "I feel like my body has been through a meat grinder." I think that sums it up pretty good. I've got one more hard week to go and then taper. I cannot wait. The good thing is that I am not alone and pretty much everyone I talked to training for CDA feels the same way. It's expected, it's just the way it is and this feeling of exhaustion, fatigue and motivation will get better. But for now, just grind it out.

Ride today, 56 miles, 4:02, 14.3 mph. (I can't wait till I get faster on the bike!)

This afternoon we picked up our packet for Columbia and checked in our bike. I just need a good solid race.

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